
Hi! I’m LJ Whalen.

Nice to meet you!


Top Ten things to know about me…

  1. Greatest passion: Oregon! Travel, hike, camp, eat, grow, cook and write all things Oregon.

  2. Greatest loves: My husband and our two amazing kids.

  3. Favorite place to camp: Cape Lookout State Park. Rugged beauty meets a foodie’s paradise.

  4. Two things that have gotten me through the pandemic: running and K-drama.

  5. Most epic Oregon hike: Climbing Wizard Island at Crater Lake National Park.

  6. Biggest secret: I’m an eighth generation Oregonian who was born in - Washington (gasp). Hey at least it wasn’t California! (JK CA - nothing but love :)

  7. Bucket list for travel in Oregon: Steens Mountain in Southeastern Oregon and jet boating through Hells Canyon on the Snake River in Northeast Oregon.

  8. Biggest silver lining: COVID school closures meant leaving my full-time job but opened the door to my dream of exploring and writing about Oregon.

  9. Highest I’ve been: Mt. Hood summit @ 11250 feet.

  10. Why Oregonic Roads: The people, food and places of Oregon are awesome and I can’t wait to introduce you to them! Let’s go!